American Dwarf Yellow Marigolds
Someone gave me these marigolds to help keep pests away. It was too late for my basil plant, which was devoured by aphids and other mean insects, but I have been enjoying their colorful blooms, even if the leaves look a little sad at times. They don't smell as funny as I expected, given their reputation.
You can also see my tiny sage plants here, which have been growing a little better lately. They are still much smaller than they should be, though. I have yet to have a sage plant grow large enough to produce leaves I can cook with. Also, there are some pigeons that frequent the balcony and either they or something else munched on several of my sage leaves. Boo to that. I may get one of those ugly owl statues to keep the pigeons away. They were not out there today, though, for the first time in weeks. Maybe they've found another gardener to pester.