Thai Hot Chile Pepper Plants
Two Thai hot chile pepper seedlings. Not sure why one has purplish leaves. It looks kind of cool but I think it might be a bad thing.
8/2/06: A while ago I transplanted one plant to the alien tomato pot and the other plant to another cherry tomato pot. The pepper plant in the alien pot has grown slightly (and I do mean slightly)--I wonder if it likes the shade provided by the tomato plant. However, overall, it still doesn't seem interested in growing. The pepper plant in the other cherry tomato pot hasn't grown at all. It's been quite hot lately, but maybe it overall hasn't been hot enough for this plant to grow.
End of Story: These plants never got larger than what you see here. No thai chile peppers for me. It probably doesn't get hot enough where I live or sunny enough on my balcony for them to thrive.
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