Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dill Plants

Dill #2-barely growing. Seeds from store.

Dill #2, another view

Dill #1-started off okay, then started turning brown and growth slowed. Grown with saved seeds from G.

After taking one of the above dill plants to my friend's house, it's started looking a lot better. It still seems to be growing pretty slowly though. I thought dill was weed-like and that weeds were supposed to grow quickly.

8/2/06: Currently have one dill plant at my friend's house. It still doesn't look very good--it's turned brown and isn't really growing. I thought dill was supposed to be an easy-to-grow weed, but I guess it doesn't have the right growing conditions.

10/06: Dill plants are not growing. I give up. Most likely culprits: not enough sun; bad seeds.


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