Sunday, June 11, 2006

Container Garden Setup

Container garden overview

I've moved up to big containers. I'm not sure how big they need to be, so I sprung for two 18" containers which were $10 each (sigh). The rest I'm growing in free/cheap containers, most of which are about 12" except for the big black tub.

Variegated mint

I bought this one already grown. It's been prone to wilting to I moved it into a larger container. The cool thing is that it really bounces back from wilting.

Cherry tomato

Most of my tomato plants looked pretty bad, but when I transplanted them and removed the bad leaves, they really started to flourish.

Green zebra heirloom tomato plant

I bought this one, too.

Blue borage

Despite what I read about these plants having a long tap root and not liking to be transplanted, they were easy to remove from their original containers and have held up to the transplant just fine. One is on the verge of flowering! I'm so excited.

The leaves on my basil plant were already drooping when it was at my friend's house, but then I took it home and transplanted it into a large container, the leaves started to turn pale yellow. So I dug it up, put it back in the kind of container it was in before, and took it back to my friend's house.

The sage plant at my friend's house also started doing poorly at home. Four leaves dried up and fell off and the others seemed on their way to dying as well. I added some more soil since the container was only half full and took this one back to my friend's house, too.

The newest sage leaves are very soft and furry and totally unlike the older ones which are bumpy like a tongue and not furry.

The big one is a cherry tomato and the smaller one on the right is an unknown heirloom. Both are doing well. I'm not sure I should have put both in this pot but the heirloom was doing so poorly that I thought it was going to die. Boy was I wrong!

Closeup of my now-flourishing heirloom tomato


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