Saturday, June 24, 2006

Growing Leeks

My leeks have looked pretty much the same the entire time I've been growing them. I have no idea if they're growing properly underground, but the above ground part sure doesn't look ready yet. I know leeks take a really long time to grow. Need to look up just how long. Also, may be a cool season crop, which means that I'm trying to grow them at the wrong time of year. If they survive summer, maybe they'll take off in the fall or winter?

8/1/06: Noticed that one leek seems to be growing more, as indicated by a thickening and lengthening of the green tops, but only of one plant. However, while there are four leeks in the container, I can't find the fourth one because the green tops broke off when I tried to pull it out (yes, I was willing to kill the weakest plant because I was so curious about how they were all looking underground) and now the remaining tops are buried beneath the soil somewhere. Hopefully they'll reemerge at some point.

9/8/06: One leek continues to grow larger (very, very slowly) with the others making little or no progress, including the buried leek.


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