Sunday, June 25, 2006

Growing Lavender

Lavender seedling

Lavender, June 12, 2006

Lavender, June 19, 2006

6/19/06: Suddenly there are two new seedlings. Are they from seeds that are just now germinating, or does lavender send up more plants somehow? I am confused.

My original lavender plant finally looks like it's growing (however slowly). See how small this plant is? I planted the seeds the last weekend in February!

9/8/06: Lavender continues to grow at an impressively slow rate. At this rate, I may never see a flower. More seedlings have shot up in the last three months, but they have scarcely grown. I now have a total of 9 plants from 3 seeds. Two of the nine are starting to look like lavender plants, and when you touch them, your fingers smell of lavender. If I really want a lavender plant, I should probably buy one that has already grown up from the nursery or farmers' market. I'll keep watering this one, though, and see if it ever gets big.


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