Oregon Sugar Pod II Pea Plants
This post attempts to document my first experience with growing Oregon Sugar Pod II pea plants. As you may already know, powdery mildew killed them. What you see above are the peas that I was able to harvest. I planted the peas around the end of February or the end of March and had peas by the end of May. It doesn't sound like a long time but when you're looking at them every day it seems like forever. Fortunately, pea plants grow quite quickly compared to other plants which makes them good for instant gratification for new growers like myself.
Sugar Snap Peas
Pea pods!!!
Pea blossoms!!!
I got these sticky traps when I noticed green aphids on the undersides of my pea leaves, little gnat-like bugs jumping around in the soil, and whiteflies. The traps didn't seem to catch many insects. Surprisingly, they stay sticky even after torrential downpours.
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